Easter is a great holiday for retail sales! For many families, Easter is one of the largest gift giving holidays for the whole family after Christmas. Sitting right at the end of winter, and the beginning of Spring, Easter feels like a transition to warmer weather. This makes it a perfect holiday to gift kids with kites, balls, summer clothes, Swimsuits, and all sorts of other warm weather stuff.
There are a ton of LazyOne products that fit perfectly into this Spring inspired Easter Basket theme from Kids Short Sets to playful socks, and other fun rambunctious gifts!
Many merchandise really well together, and you can inspire your customer with some new and unique ideas for their Easter baskets this year with a little staging.

One great thing about inspiring causal browsers about Easter gifts is that you can usually get a higher dollar per ticket from customers who are filling Easter baskets than from those who are not. Try collecting a handful if products that have a nice Easter feeling and display them in an easter basket.

You can also create a curated grab bag of Easter gifts for parents who love the idea, but don't have time to look around on their own.

Finally, you can remind each of your customers about the holiday by adding little Easter elements like eggs, Easter grass, and bunnies.

Even if your customers don't take you up on your pre-packaged gifts, you can be sure that their gift buying juices are flowing and you're more likely to have additional sales.
Hope that helps! We'd love pictures of your store all gussied up for Easter! Send the pics to [email protected]