We work very hard to be one of the best partners in the industry for your store. Check out the details of what we do to try to make sure you get the very best experience when working with us here.

Because of that effort, we expect stores that sell our product to adhere to the following criteria:

You must have a brick and mortar storefront.

There are rare exceptions for select catalog companies or other business models that do not usually have a storefront, but these exceptions are rare.

You cannot sell our products on any marketplaces like Walmart, Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, etc.

In some instances, we will approve a store to sell our products on their own store website. The prices must adhere to MAP pricing and the website must be approved in advance.

Your store must be sufficiently far away from other stores where LazyOne products are sold.

There are a lot of factors that go into this like how large the community is and what the level of tourist traffic is during peak months. In some cases, we will approve stores that are fairly close together if the traffic numbers justify this. In other cases, we may only approve one store in a small community.

You must have a family friendly environment that upholds the LazyOne brand

While we are flattered that so many stores or gift shops are interested in our products, if your store or location is not appropriate for families, it will probably not be a good fit for LazyOne products.

Do you fit these criteria?

Great! Please click HERE to apply to become a LazyOne Dealer.